Louise McCrae
T u e s d a y 2 4 S e p t e m b e r – S a t u r d a y 2 6 O c t o b e r, 2 0 2 4
My young life was spent on isolated land in the Kaipara Harbour riding the coast with the birds, imagining my world. Years later, I became interested in the material aspects of making and imagination, and how materials operate and their moments of failure. There is a visible link between the process of making and the process of living, one that opens up a re-imagination. The challenge of following curiosity tips into vulnerability and reduces into another kind of knowledge system or wisdom. Satisfaction comes when the elements alchemise, and the work takes on its own intention, generating more than the sum of its parts, generating a new imagination. LM
Louise is interested in parallel material investigations between living and making. She plays out various challenges, seeking confusion and allowing vulnerability and satisfaction in the things she makes. The moment that material fails, the edge of collapse, and the potential of change, is her mode of inspiration and point of entry.
Ultimately Louise pushes her materials towards failure as a way to capture the balance between disaster and transformation.
Louise holds a Master of Fine Art from Whitecliffe College of Art & Design, Auckland, New Zealand.