Updated Concept Designs | Eke Panuku Development Auckland 

Eke Panuku have realised updated concept designs for the upcoming redevelopment of Northcote town centre - including NORTHART Gallery.

The concept design will deliver a much improved, flexible, fit-for-purpose, community space for the growing Northcote community and an upgraded Puāwai Cadness Reserve.

Additional detail can be reviewed here: Concept design - Architectural drawings and Concept design– Landscape architect drawings.

Key features of the community hub include:

  • Dedicated areas for the library and community providers (Hearts and Minds, NORTHART, Citizens Advice Bureau, and Plunket), as well as multiple flexible shared spaces. The shared spaces can be closed off or left open to enable different community activities to take place.

  • A larger plaza and forecourt. This will provide a visually strong and clear entrance to the building, as well as a space for all weather events or gatherings. It will also help create a stronger connection between the town centre, across Ernie Mays Street, and Te Ara Awataha.

  • Effective stormwater management. This is integral to the design, to minimise flooding.

  • A covered verandah for improved integration with Puāwai Cadness Reserve.

  • The building will aim to achieve a 6-star Green Star rating, to meet Auckland Council and Eke Panuku’s environmental aims.

 The upgrade of Puāwai Cadness Reserve will transform this under-utilised space to create a place for families, children, youths, and groups to gather, with the flexibility to accommodate lots of different types of activities, events, and gatherings.

Key features of the upgrade to Puāwai Cadness Reserve include:

  • A relocated basketball court.

  • A large lawn area, with a shelter from the weather.

  • Two play spaces to cater for younger and older children.

  • Two garden areas.

  • Public toilets.

  • Planting and swales that support natural overland flow paths and significantly more trees to provide shade, support the natural environment and help to reduce climate change.

  • A waste station.

The concept design and renders are below.

Below are draft detailed designs that we shared at a community drop-in session at the library on 31 August 2024. These draft designs show the proposed play equipment and plants for the reserve and the interior design and layout of the hub. 

These designs are still to be finalised. If you have any comments or questions on the design of the community hub and upgrade of Puāwai Cadness Reserve, please email: UnlockNorthcote@ekepanuku.co.nz

The Draft Detailed Design renders are below

To read the full article please see HERE


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