Northart Gallery in August | Channel Magazine

Until Saturday 20th August, Northart continues to exhibit Boy + Girl, an artistic collaboration between Bryn Evans and Nikki McLay, artists who use conversational AI, film and design to share stories in new and unexpected ways, along with sculptor Stuart Bridson’s solo exhibition Disassemble.

Conversation with the Artists will be held at the gallery on Saturday 6th August, 2pm – 3pm.

Opening on Saturday 27th August are two exciting group exhibitions that explore materiality in different ways: Gravitas and MORPH.

Gravitas is a group exhibition of sculptural artworks in bronze, fabric and metal that reinterpret ‘seriousness’ while expressing dignity, leadership and the importance of restraint and conceptual rigour in works by Elliot Collins, Te Waka McLeod, Gregor Kregar and Hannah Valentine.

MORPH represents the final body of work created by the 12 participants of Handshake 6. A creative mentoring programme, Handshake has for over ten years connected emerging jewellery practitioners from Aotearoa New Zealand with a mentor to help develop their creative practice over a two-year period. MORPH refers to transformation; this exhibition seeks to demonstrate that quality through the development of each participant’s practice that came together with both the engagement of the mentors and each other.

We look forward to welcoming you to Northart in August to experience outstanding contemporary art practice from Aotearoa.



Northart Gallery in September | Channel Magazine
